Adobe Photoshop / Chalkboard Effect

  1. Create a radial gradient layer of dark green to black
  2. Filter > Noise > Add Noise - Amount: 1.5%, Distribution: Uniform, Monochromatic
  3. Create a new layer
  4. Select a grungy look brush and lower Opacity to 30%
  5. Draw random lines in black
  6. Lower Opacity of the layer to 10%
  7. Type text in chalk colors
  8. Filter > Brush Strokes > Sprayed Strokes - Stroke Length: 20, Spray Radius: 25, Stroke Direction: Vertical
  9. Filter > Noise > Add Noise - Amount: 2.0%, Distribution: Uniform, Monochromatic
  10. Create a new layer and doodle randomly with chalk colors
  11. Set the layer to Overlay and lower Opacity to 10%