Showing posts with label Graphic Design: Photoshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Graphic Design: Photoshop. Show all posts

Adobe Photoshop / Inlay Text

  1. Prepare two textured images
  2. Type text in white with a blocky font
  3. Select the white text area
  4. Cut the selected area off the texture and paste it onto a new layer
  5. Adjust Saturation

Adobe Photoshop / Watercolor Effect

  1. Open an image and duplicate the layer
  2. Image > Adjustments > Desaturate
  3. Duplicate the desaturated layer
  4. Image > Adjustments > Invert
  5. Set the inverted layer to Color Dodge
  6. Filter > Others > Minimum - Radius: 1
  7. Edit Layer Style and go to Blending Options
  8. Adjust Underlying Layer by holding Alt and left-clicking - Values: 10, 70, 255
  9. Merge two layers on top and duplicate it
  10. Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur - Radius: 7.5px
  11. Set the blurred layer to Linear Burn
  12. Duplicate the original layer and bring it to top
  13. Filter > Artistic > Palette Knife - Stroke Size: 10, Stroke Detail: 2, Softness: 5
  14. Set the top layer to Multiply

Adobe Photoshop / Rock Texture

  1. Select different colors for the foreground/background
  2. Filter > Render > Clouds
  3. Filter > Noise > Add Noise - Amount: 5%, Distribution: Gaussian, Monochromatic
  4. Create a new Alpha Channel
  5. Filter > Render > Difference Clouds
  6. Filter > Noise > Add Noise - Amount: 5%, Distribution: Gaussian, Monochromatic
  7. Edit > Fade Add Noise - Opacity: 50%
  8. Filter > Render > Difference Clouds
  9. Repeat Difference Clouds two to five more times
  10. Duplicate the colored layer and turn off the top layer
  11. Select the bottom layer
  12. Filter > Render > Lighting Effects - Intensity: 55, Focus: 90, Gloss: -100, Material: 50, Ambience: 6, Texture Channel: the alpha channel, White is high, Height: 100
  13. Turn on the top layer
  14. Filter > Render > Lighting Effects - Intensity: 55, Focus: 90, Gloss: -50, Material: 50, Ambience: 6, Texture Channel: the alpha channel, White is high, Height: 100

Adobe Photoshop / Scratchy Text

  1. Prepare a photo which has many vertical straight lines at different angles
  2. Image > Adjustments > Threshold
  3. Type text and rasterize it
  4. Select black areas of the photo layer
  5. Select the text layer and delete the selected areas

Adobe Photoshop / Wateristic Effect

  1. Open an image for the background
  2. Type text in black
  3. Open Layer Style Window and change Fill Opacity to 3%
  4. Apply Drop Shadow - Blend Mode: Multiply, Opacity: 100%, Angle: 90, Distance: 1px, Size: 1px, Contour: Gaussian
  5. Apply Inner Shadow - Blend Mode: Color Burn, Opacity: 45%, Size: 10px
  6. Apply Inner Glow - Blend Mode: Overlay, Opacity: 30%, Color: Black
  7. Apply Bevel and Emboss - Style: Inner Bevel, Technique: Chisel Hard, Depth: 250%, Size: 15px, Soften: 10px, Angle: 90, Altitude: 30, Highlight Mode Opacity: 100%, Shadow Mode: Color Dodge, Shadow Mode Opacity: 35%
  8. Filter > Pixelate > Crystallize - Cell Size: 10px
  9. Filter > Blur > Box Blur - Radius: 1px

Adobe Photoshop / Starry Night Effect

  1. Select the foreground color dark blue and the background color black
  2. Create a new layer
  3. Filter > Render > Clouds
  4. Create a new layer and fill it with black
  5. Filter > Noise > Add Noise - Amount: 30, Gaussian, Monochromatic
  6. Image > Adjustments > Levels - Input Levels: Black 200
  7. Set the top layer to Screen

Adobe Photoshop / Papercraft Text Effect

  1. Create a shape that represents a letter
  2. Apply Gradient Overlay - Opacity: 100%, Gradient: Black to White, Style: Angle, Angle: depends
  3. Apply Drop Shadow - Blend Mode: Multiply, Color: Black, Distance: 0px, Spread: 5%, Size: 10px

Adobe Photoshop / Luminescent Lines

  1. Create a new layer and fill it with black
  2. Select Brush Tool and open Brush Panel Window - Color: White, Master Diameter: 1px, Hardness: 0%
  3. Edit Shape Dynamics - Angle Jitter: 5%, Roundness Jitter: 5%, Minimum Roundness: 25%
  4. Edit Scattering - Both Axes, Scatter: 10%, Count: 1, Count Jitter: 50%
  5. Turn on Smoothing
  6. Select Pen Tool and draw a path
  7. Right-click and apply Stroke Path
  8. Draw more paths and apply Stroke Path each time
  9. Merge the lines into one layer
  10. Apply Drop Shadow - Blend Mode: Normal, Color: Pink, Opacity: 75%, Distance: 0px, Size: 0px, Contour: Half Round
  11. Apply Outer Glow - Blend Mode: Normal, Opacity: 75%, Color: Rainbow gradient, Size: 20px

Adobe Photoshop / Resizing QR Code

  1. Get an extra large QR image at
  2. Open the image in Photoshop
  3. Image > Image Size - Document Size: 50mm x 50mm, Resolution: 300pxels/inch, Nearest Neighbor (preserve hard edges)
  4. Select Magic Wand Tool - Tolerance: 100, Check off Anti-Alias, Check off Contiguous
  5. Select all the black areas
  6. Copy and paste the black areas onto a new layer

Adobe Photoshop / Shocking Text Effect

  1. Create a new layer and fill it with black
  2. Type text in white
  3. Duplicate the text and hide the layer
  4. Rotate the visible text 90 degrees clockwise
  5. Filter > Stylize > Wind - Method: Wind, Direction: From the Right
  6. Filter > Stylize > Wind - Method: wind, Direction: From the Left
  7. Rotate the visible text back 90 degrees counter-clockwise
  8. Repeat the previous step on both sides
  9. Filter > Distort > Ripple - Amount: 50%, Size: Small
  10. Filter > Sharpen > Unsharpen Mask - Amount: 100%, Radius: 5px, Threshold: 0
  11. Apply Outer Glow
  12. Reveal the hiden text and fill it with a different color
  13. Apply Stroke - Size: 1, Position: Inside, Blend Mode: Normal, Opacity: 50%, Color: White

Adobe Photoshop / English Tea Can Painting Effect

  1. Open an image and duplicate the layer
  2. Image > Adjustments > Shadow/Highlight - Shadow Amount: 100%, Highlight Amount: 0%
  3. Filter > Stylize > Find Edges
  4. Edit > Fade Find Edges - Opacity: 30-50%, Mode: Luminosity
  5. Set the layer to Screen if it works
  6. Adjust Brightness/Contrast

Adobe Photoshop / Film-look Effect

  1. Open an image
  2. Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation - Saturation: -50
  3. Image > Adjustments > Exposure - Exposure: 1, Offset: -0.15, Gamma 1
  4. Duplicate the layer
  5. Filter > Blur > Lens Blur - More Accurate, Radius: 10, Blade Curvature: 10, Rotation: 50, Brightness: 10, Threshold: 200
  6. Add Layer Mask to the top layer and create a focus point - Brush Tool - Hardness: 0%
  7. Create a new layer and fill it with black
  8. Lower Opacity of the layer to 70%
  9. Erase the center of the black layer - Eraser Tool - Hardness: 0%
  10. Flatten all the layers
  11. Filter > Noise > Add Noise - Amount: 5

Adobe Photoshop / Random Gradient

  1. Create random shapes with a few colors to fill the canvas
  2. Flatten all the layers
  3. Filter > Distort > Twirl - Angle: 200
  4. Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur - Radius: 50px

Adobe Photoshop / Abstract Background

  1. Prepare a colorful image
  2. Select a certain area of the photo and stretch it to fill the canvas
  3. Experiment with the outcome

Adobe Photoshop / Chrome-look Effect

  1. Type text in black and duplicate it
  2. Change the color of the top text to light gray
  3. Select the text shape of the top text
  4. Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur - Radius: 3
  5. Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur - Radius: 1.5
  6. Filter > Render > Lighting Effect - Style: Default, Intensity: 28; Texture Channel: Transparency, Height: 30, Angle: Top left
  7. Image > Adjustments > Curves - RGB 3 points
    (Input: 60 - Output: 180)(Input: 120 - Output: 60)(Input: 180 - Output: 180)

Adobe Photoshop / Miniature-look Effect

  1. Edit in Quick Mask Mode
  2. Create a mask with Reflected Gradient Tool
  3. Filter > Blur > Lens Blur - Radius: 20, Blade Curvature: 0, Rotation: 0
  4. Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation

Adobe Photoshop / Ink Sketch Effect

  1. Prepare an image
  2. Duplicate the image layer
  3. Set the foreground color black and the background color white
  4. Filters > Sketch > Photocopy - Detail: 24, Darkness: 10
  5. Filters > Sharpen > Sharpen More
  6. Repeat the previous step a few times
  7. Set the layer to Overlay
  8. Select the original layer
  9. Adjust Hue/Saturation

Adobe Photoshop / Chalkboard Effect

  1. Create a radial gradient layer of dark green to black
  2. Filter > Noise > Add Noise - Amount: 1.5%, Distribution: Uniform, Monochromatic
  3. Create a new layer
  4. Select a grungy look brush and lower Opacity to 30%
  5. Draw random lines in black
  6. Lower Opacity of the layer to 10%
  7. Type text in chalk colors
  8. Filter > Brush Strokes > Sprayed Strokes - Stroke Length: 20, Spray Radius: 25, Stroke Direction: Vertical
  9. Filter > Noise > Add Noise - Amount: 2.0%, Distribution: Uniform, Monochromatic
  10. Create a new layer and doodle randomly with chalk colors
  11. Set the layer to Overlay and lower Opacity to 10%

Adobe Photoshop / Dot Pattern

  1. Open an image
  2. Filter > Pixelate > Mosaic - Cell Size: Any
  3. Create a new document which has equals the height and width of the mosaic cells
  4. Make a circle selection and cut out the layer
  5. Edit > Define Pattern
  6. Go back to the first image and create a new layer on top
  7. Apply Blending Options - Advanced Blending Fill Opacity: 0%
  8. Apply Pattern Overlay and select the circle pattern

Adobe Photoshop / Smooth Glass Effect

  1. Type text in white
  2. Apply Drop Shadow - Blend Mode: Multiply, Color: Dark blue, Opacity: 95%, Angle: -160, Distance: 5px, Size: 15px
  3. Apply Inner Shadow - Blend Mode: Normal, Color: White, Angle: -160, Distance: 10px, Choke: 10%, Size: 5px
  4. Apply Inner Glow - Blend Mode: Screen, Color: Baby blue, Size: 25px
  5. Apply Bevel and Emboss - Size: 5px, Soften: 2px, Angle: -60, Altitude: 25, Gloss Contour: Rolling Slope - Descending, Shadow Mode Color: Sky blue, Opacity: 50%
  6. Apply Satin - Color: Sky blue, Distance: 35px, Size: 65px
  7. Apply Stroke - Color: Baby blue, Size: 2px, Blend Mode: Soft Light, Opacity: 50%, Fill Type: Gradient, Gradient: Dark blue - Baby blue, Angle: -60
  8. Lower Fill to 0%