Adobe Photoshop / Rock Texture

  1. Select different colors for the foreground/background
  2. Filter > Render > Clouds
  3. Filter > Noise > Add Noise - Amount: 5%, Distribution: Gaussian, Monochromatic
  4. Create a new Alpha Channel
  5. Filter > Render > Difference Clouds
  6. Filter > Noise > Add Noise - Amount: 5%, Distribution: Gaussian, Monochromatic
  7. Edit > Fade Add Noise - Opacity: 50%
  8. Filter > Render > Difference Clouds
  9. Repeat Difference Clouds two to five more times
  10. Duplicate the colored layer and turn off the top layer
  11. Select the bottom layer
  12. Filter > Render > Lighting Effects - Intensity: 55, Focus: 90, Gloss: -100, Material: 50, Ambience: 6, Texture Channel: the alpha channel, White is high, Height: 100
  13. Turn on the top layer
  14. Filter > Render > Lighting Effects - Intensity: 55, Focus: 90, Gloss: -50, Material: 50, Ambience: 6, Texture Channel: the alpha channel, White is high, Height: 100