Adobe Photoshop / Luminescent Lines
- Create a new layer and fill it with black
- Select Brush Tool and open Brush Panel Window - Color: White, Master Diameter: 1px, Hardness: 0%
- Edit Shape Dynamics - Angle Jitter: 5%, Roundness Jitter: 5%, Minimum Roundness: 25%
- Edit Scattering - Both Axes, Scatter: 10%, Count: 1, Count Jitter: 50%
- Turn on Smoothing
- Select Pen Tool and draw a path
- Right-click and apply Stroke Path
- Draw more paths and apply Stroke Path each time
- Merge the lines into one layer
- Apply Drop Shadow - Blend Mode: Normal, Color: Pink, Opacity: 75%, Distance: 0px, Size: 0px, Contour: Half Round
- Apply Outer Glow - Blend Mode: Normal, Opacity: 75%, Color: Rainbow gradient, Size: 20px