Adobe Photoshop / Glow Text Effect
- Create New Adjustment Layer and make a linear gradient of dark colors
- Create New Adjustment Layer and make a linear gradient of rainbow colors
- Lower Opacity of the top layer to 25% and set it to Color
- Create New Adjustment Layer and make a radial alpha gradient
- Type text in black and set it to Screen
- Apply Outer Glow - Blend Mode: Color Dodge, Opacity: 20%, Color: White, Size: 30px
- Apply Stroke - Size: 2px, Blend Mode: Color Dodge, Opacity: 50%, Color: White
- Duplicate the text layer 20 times and change fonts
- Create a new layer and draw an elliptical shape for the texts to sit on - Feather: 20px
- Filter > Blur > Motion Blur - Angle: 0, Distance: 700px
- Adjust Curve