Adobe Photoshop / Light & Shade Text Effect
- Create a gradient layer of dark gray and darker gray
- Type text in gray-ish blue
- Apply Gradient Overlay - Blend Mode: Screen, Gradient: Dark gray to Transparent, Angle: -30
- Duplicate the text and remove the Layer Style
- Change the text color to black and move down and to the right by 1 px each
- Repeat the previous step until the text gets the depth
- Apply Motion Blur - Angle: -30, Distance: 30px
- Set the layer to Multiply and lower Opacity to 40%
- Adjust the position
- Select the text area
- Create a new layer and fill the selected area with white
- Deselect and reselect the text area
- Move down and to the right by 1 px and delete the selected white area
- Create a new layer and make white stripes
- Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur - Radius: 5px
- Set the blurred layer to Overlay and lower Opacity to 20%
- Add Lighting Effects if necessary