Adobe Illustrator / Creating Graphs

  1. Select Pie Graph Tool
  2. Click and set Width and Hight
  3. Input numbers in percentage and click Apply
  4. Remove Stroke
  5. Select the pie graph
  6. Effects > 3D > Extrude and Bevel - Position: 55,0,0, Extrude Depth: 1/10 of the pie graph size, Ambient Light: 100%
  7. Object > Expand Appearance
  8. Duplicate the pie graph
  9. Select the original pie graph and ungroup twice
  10. Select pieces in the same color
  11. Window > Pathfinder - Add to shape area, Expand
  12. Set each parts of the pie graph in different colors
  13. Select the duplicated pie graph
  14. Cut of the top and leave two parts of the edge
  15. Apply Gradient - Type: Linear, Angle: -180, Gradient: Black to White to Black
  16. Group the parts and duplicate the gropu
  17. Paint the duplicated group white
  18. Place the white group under the gradient group
  19. Window > Transparency > Make Opacity Mask
  20. Align the masked group with the colored pie graph
  21. Set the masked group to Overlay
  22. Lower Opacity to 40%