Adobe Photoshop / Brilliant Light Streaks

Tutorial by Design Reviver
  1. Create a new layer and fill it with black
  2. Create a new layer and fill it with white
  3. Filter > Render > Lighting Effects - Dark color
  4. Create a new layer and set it to Screen
  5. Make a circular selection with Marquee Tool
  6. Select > Modify > Feather - Feather Radius: 20px
  7. Fill the selection with Radial Gradient Tool
  8. Duplicate the layer and hide the original
  9. Transform the layer and make it flat
  10. Filter > Distort > Wave - Number of Generators: 3, Wavelength: Min. 50 Max. 300, Amplitude: Min. 30 Max. 100, Scale: 100%
  11. Filter > Distort > Twirl