Adobe Photoshop / Tile Texture

  1. Create a new layer and fill it with black
  2. Create squares
  3. Apply Drop Shadow - Distance: 3px, Spread: 10%, Size: 5px
  4. Apply Inner Shadow - Distance: 3px, Choke: 15%, Size: 40px
  5. Apply Bevel and Emboss - Depth: 525%
  6. Apply Contour
  7. Select the bottom layer
  8. Apply Bevel and Emboss - Depth: 500%
  9. Create a new layer
  10. Filter > Render > Clouds
  11. Set the rendered layer to Multiply
  12. Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast - Brightness: 100, Contrast: -35
  13. Filter > Noise > Add Noise - Amount: 3.5, Distribution: Uniform, Monochromatic